Welcome to the Dauntless Writing Podcast, where we are all about thinking win-win, and being dauntless.
Currently on hiatus! (Oh no!)
Sometimes, difficult decisions need to be made when in the online entrepreneurship space. I’ve only got that many hours in the day at this stage: For now, I’m focussing on Priority Number 1 – Always Be Creating (fiction). As soon as I quit my pesky desk job, I’ll be sure to be back behind the mic.
Authorpreneurship has three legs, Organization, Craft and Marketing. On alternating days, I will be adressing each of these legs in turn. Organization first, such as for episodes 1, 4, 7, 10 and so on, Marketing second, such as for episodes 2, 5, 8, 11 and so on, and lastly Craft, on episodes 3, 6, 9, 12 and so on.
Dauntless Organization of Fiction
No one has the time to write, except those who do. I will be talking about how to get the time to write, create your online presence, and generally be more organized for the sake of your Authorpeneur business.
Dauntless Marketing of Fiction
There are people out there who want to read your book. I will be taking about how to find them, and then turn them into fanatics for your fiction.
Dauntless Creation of Fiction
Once you have the time to write, and people who want to buy your book, you’ll need to get words on paper effectively to meet their reading demands. I will be talking about how to go about creating compelling fiction that your readers will love, without you hating the process.
DWP Episode 00: Dauntless Writing Podcast Manifesto
DWP Episode 01: What is priority #1 for Authorpreneurship?
DWP Episode 02: Starting a Fiction Marketing Campaign
DWP Episode 03: The Primary Goal of Fiction
DWP Episode 04: What is an Authorpreneur?
DWP Episode 05: Sales Basics for Fiction
DWP Episode 06: The Three Act Novel Structure Demystified
DWP Episode 07: Using Evernote for Authorpreneurship
DWP Episode 08: Why You Need an E-Mail List
DWP Episode 9: Points of Transition in your Story
DWP Episode 10: Authorpreneurship as DPS
DWP Episode 11: Leverage your Marketing
DWP Episode 12: Get a Good Editor
DWP Episode 13: Learning Programmes Proactively
DWP Episode 14: Using Reviews for Marketing
DWP Episode 15: Morally Dubious Characters
DWP Episode 16: The Harsh Truth of the World
DWP Episode 17: Using Audio to Market Fiction
DWP Episode 18: Write First, Edit Later
DWP Episode 19: Statistically Significant Samples
DWP Episode 20: Why Amazon is Dominating for Indies
DWP Episode 21: Writing Voice – Self-Editing for Fiction Writers